Anger Management: Leading a Happier and Upbeat Life at the Workplace


Date :

30th May (Wed)

Time :

9am to 6pm

Venue :

Waterloo Centre, 261 Waterloo Street
Singapore 180261

Fee :

$568, Now $498
(Early Bird Price)


Mr. Jeffery Williams


10 Participants


Anger Management: Leading a Happier and Upbeat Life at the Workplace

In this full-day 8-hour workshop, participants will be equipped with skills, knowledge and attributes to develop seven proven ways to control anger. Your anger probably does not just energize you to face problems; instead it might be making it hard for you to think clearly and make good decisions. Your anger might not be improving your relationships and behaviours. Instead it might be making people uncomfortable and ruining your closeness with others.

In addition to helping you feel alive and passionate, your anger might lead you to impulsive and even aggressive and destructive acts. You might be painfully aware of what anger is costing you.

As you learn to reduce your anger, you will be able to make better decisions in your life, manage your relationships better and behave in ways that are likely to bring about the results you want the most. You will also be taught on the skills of conflict management at the workplace.

This is a highly engaging and intensive, experiential and dynamic workshop packed with learning activities, practical exercises, laughter, fun and experience sharing.

After the Workshop, You'll Be Able to

  • Understand Anger Episodes
  • Discover the secret language of feelings
  • Understand and practice the seven proven ways to control anger
  • Identify the benefits of change in anger experiences and expressions
  • Choose appropriate communication skills in dealing with conflicts
  • The 3 proven steps to resolve workplace conflicts and create aharmonious working environment
  • Critical Success Factors in managing conflicts at the workplace
  • Demonstrating Empathy towards others
  • Become more aware – clearly seeing what they feel and do
  • Become more intentional – do what they mean to do
  • Become more purposeful – do it for a reason
  • Relate anger management to emotional intelligence

Course Outline

  • Discovering what anger episode is. Analysing the Anger Episode Model
  • Understand the secret language of feelings and people behaviours. Stressors that ignite anger episodes
  • Avoid and Escape. How to find solutions to Triggered Problems
  • Changing the way you think about your life. Practicing Forgiveness.
  • Acknowledging frequently recurring behaviors. Learn to Relax and React Less
  • Evaluating the benefits of expressing your anger in an assertive and productive way
  • Choose appropriate communication style to deal with Anger Triggers and Expressions
  • Learning to assess, harness and transform emotions as a strategic resource.
  • Defining conflicts in the workplace. Engaging energy from inside out. How and why managing conflicts in the workplace are crucial to anger management practices
  • Switching to a proactive perspective of hope and possibility. Exercising optimism in your professional and personal development
  • Recognizing and appropriately responding to others’ emotions. Being aware and putting yourself in others’ perspectives
  • Important takeaways and action planning for the transfer of learning. Create an anger management blueprint and a change of mindset for personal development

Who Should Attend

This training course is for supervisors, sales and administrative personnel who is keen to learn techniques to manage and control anger at the workplace


Click on the orange button above which says “register now.”

You’ll then be able to register with your details and choose your mode of payment (cheque, cash or bank transfer).

This applies for both Corporate or Individual (Personal) registration.


Simply set the number of people who will be attending on the “cart” page after you click on register now. Then, on the final step, you’ll be able to add the details of the other participants.

Yes, on the final step you can choose to register under Corporate or Individual (Personal).

About the Trainer

Jeffrey Williams
Master Trainer for 15 Years

Jeffrey Williams is a Trainer and an Education Success Coach. He has been a public speaker and a trainer for the past 15 years.

Currently doing training for corporations, Jeffrey’s achievements and references include conducting various training programmes for management staffs and employees of organizations including MCYS, Singapore Power and NACLI (National Institute of Community Leadership) and students of Temasek Polytechnic, Singapore Polytechnic and Nanyang Polytechnic. Jeffrey also conducted a workshop on Acquiring Effective Communication Skills to officers and men of the Singapore Armed Forces Military Medicine Institute, National Environment Agency and Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore.

Some other prominent trainings include customer service relationship management training, mastering negotiation skills for success at the workplace and a highly-recommended training programme on emotional intelligence for leaders and middle management which was conducted for various organizations and schools. He was invited by the University of Economics in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, to give a talk on iLEAD – A program on public speaking, presentation and leadership skills to the management team of various organizations at a public seminar in Ho Chi Minh City.

Other overseas training assignments include training in Vietnam, Malaysia and Indonesia to organizations’ CEOs and Managing Directors on Strategic Leadership Management, Customer Relationship Management and Mastering Effective People Skills for Organizational Excellence.

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Additional information

Date :

30th May (Wed)

Time :

9am to 6pm

Venue :

Waterloo Centre, 261 Waterloo Street
Singapore 180261

Fee :

$568, Now $498
(Early Bird Price)


Mr. Jeffery Williams


10 Participants